Reports and Studies
The Washington Parish Communications District has released various reports and RFP’s over the last few years and copies of these documents are available for review as shown below :
PSAP Consolidation Report (Complete)
Phase II Compatible E9-1-1 Equipment and Software (Project Completed)
Mapping System (Project Completed)
System Audio Recorder (Project Completed)
Unified CAD System for Washington Parish (Project Transferred to WPSO for Completion)
Architectural, Engineering and Construction Management Services (Project Complete)
Appropriations Request to the U.S. Congress (Funding Request Partially Granted)
Emergency Operations / 9-1-1 / Multi-Agency Communications Center – Short Version (Funding Request Partially Granted)
Emergency Operations / 9-1-1 / Multi-Agency Communications Center – Full Version (Funding Request Partially Granted)
NENA White Paper NSI Call Blocking (For Background Purposes)
Report To NENA On Katrina (Complete)
Communications Tower Drawings (Complete)
Communications Tower Specifications (Complete)